Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Teslameter
CAYLAR offers a magnetic field measurement by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) which allows an absolute measurement of the magnetic field, with a resolution of 10 nT (0.1 G) without temperature influence. NMR probes associated with the NMR20 have the particularity of having a large measurement range with a dynamic range of 5 and measure low fields from 140 G (14 mT) up to 13 T
NMR20 Precision Teslameter
(NMR Gaussmeter)
The NMR20 Teslameter measures magnetic fields using the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
This is the most precise technology for measuring an absolute magnetic field value.

Size: 19” 2U P350
Range: 14mT - 13 T
Resolution: 10 nT (0.1 mG)
Absolute Precision: < 0.5μT
Internal Clock Stability: ±1 ppm (0°C-70°C)
1st Year Stability: <1 ppm
Stability After 1 Year: <±0.2 ppm / year
Required Homogeneity: <2000 ppm/cm (1 Tesla)
NMR Signal Tracking Time: < 1 s (with HALL)
Channels: Up to 256
Interfaces: RS232, USB, Ethernet
10MHz Clock Reference: External in & Internal out
Analog Output for Magnetic Field Regulation: ±10V / 1 µV resolution
NMR Probes
CAYLAR has developed several probes to meet the maximum needs:

Standard Probes:
Optimized for the best signal-to-noise ratio with a high dynamic range.
Low sensitivity to gradient (typically between 1000 and 2000 ppm/cm).
Miniaturized Probes
Probes for Radioactive Environments:
No electronic components within 11cm of the NMR sample.
For highly radioactive environments, no electronic components within 40cm of the NMR sample.
Specific Probes Made on Request:
Gradient sensitivity.
Probe size and shape.
Measurement range.
Cable length (up to 16m instead of 2.5m) in one or more lengths with extension cables.
Probe Models
< 0.5 µT absolute accuracy 10 nT reading resolution
Large measuring range
From 14 mT to 13 T with a large dynamic range (< x5) 90 mT to 2.1 T covered by 2 probes 140 mT to 3 T covered by 2 probes
Fast search
Integrated HALL sensor for fast search Less than 1s to lock a NMR signal
High gradient tolerance
High Tolerance to magnetic field gradients > 2000 ppm/cm at 1 T
NMR Regulation
Embedded magnetic field control with analog output.